Highly Targeted Digital Advertising

Targeted Digital Advertising

Designing and Submitting

Material Design And

High Attention Value!

Aktiivimedia’s displays consist of hand sanitizer dispensers and mobile phone charging points.

These activating features engage consumers and increase the attention value of the displays significantly.

Less is More

Simplify all elements!
Your message should be seen at a glance!

BE Brave to Use Colors

Bright colors increase the attention value.
Create clear contrast between elements.

Movement Captures Attention

Images with movement draw more attention
than static ones!

Bring Viewers to Your Site

Direct the viewers to your site or service
using web addresses and hashtags.

Technical specifications

Aktiivimedia’s displays are portrait digital screens, placed above mobile charging points (42″ & 55″) or hand sanitizer dispensers (22″).

  • Resolution 1080x1920
  • Aspect ratio 9:16
  • Image formats (JPG, JPEG and PNG)
  • Video formats (MP4-AVC)
  • Maximum file size (20 Mb)
  • Maximum video length (10 sec.)
  • For special cases, please contact sales.


Materials should be delivered 5 business days before the start of the campaign.
Please send materials to aineistot@aktiivimedia.fi. The email should include the following information:

  • Advertiser's name (company)
  • Campaign name
  • Campaign period (dd.mm.yyyy - dd.mm.yyyy)
  • Media name (e.g. FitnessMedia)
  • Agreed displays (locations)
  • Contacts of the contact person

Do you need help with material design?

Aktiivimedia offers assistance with advertisement design and technical issues. Our designers have decades of experience in graphic design across various industries. Typically, the process involves the client providing raw materials (logo, images, graphic guidelines, texts) and a brief, based on which our designers create the final advertisement.

If the project requires additional work such as multiple options, material procurement, meetings, travel, shoots, etc., the price will be determined by agreement or offer.

  • Image advertisement creation from client's materials starting at 150 €
  • Animation creation from client's materials starting at 350 €
  • Additional work and more complex projects by agreement at 75 € / hour
  • The client receives user rights and a licence to the finished material.

Aktiivimedian Aineisto-ohjeet. Tarjoamme apua aineiston suunnitellussa. Suunnittelijoillamme on vuosikymmenien kokemus graaffisesta suunnitelusta.

Be Brave!

DARE to be impactful /
funny / innovative /
timely / insightful and
surprising, ensuring your message and brand stay in consumers’ minds and stand out from the environment and other advertisers.

DARE to be impactful / funny / innovative / topical / insightful and surprising, ensuring your message and brand stay in consumers’ minds and stand out from the environment and other advertisers.

Your advertisement content can consist of videos, animations, images, text, or anything else—only your imagination is the limit. Our media screens are not subject to the same restrictions as outdoor billboards, as our screens do not disrupt traffic. However, avoid using a bright white background, as it is generally perceived as disruptive.

  • Keep the core text no longer than seven words
  • Big Image / Big text / big logo = BIG VISIBILITY
  • Focus on the essential product, service, or brand.
  • Animations and clear contrasts capture attention.
Korkeakoulujen kampusympäristö on täynnä potentiaalia ja intoa, mikä tekee siitä optimaalisen paikan mainostaa.
Parhaat Käytännöt Opiskelijoille Suunnatussa Mainonnassa

You can also purchase targeted advertising from Aktiivimedia through mediani.fi.

Vivotech Oy

Aktiivimedia on Vivotech Oy:n mediabrändi, joka tarjoaa mahdollisuuden digitaaliseen viestintään uniikeissa mediaympäristöissä, joissa ei normaalisti ole totuttu näkemään muuta mainontaa.

Aktiivimedia mukana

@2022 Vivotech Oy (2561680-5)